Tractel TOPAL QS / QR / QX Hooks (Lifting Dogs) for Horizontal Plates - Range from 1500kg to 10,000kg

Tractel TOPAL QS / QR / QX Hooks (Lifting Dogs) for Horizontal Plates - Range from 1500kg to 10,000kg

Simple (QS) or double (QR/ QX) hooks for lifting horizontal plates individually or in bundles. QX : also enable the separation of horizontal piled plates. Must be used in pairs, but sold individually.



Tractel TOPAL QS / QR / QX Hooks (Lifting Dogs) for Horizontal Plates - Range from 1500kg to 10,000kg

QR - Use in Pairs with a 4 Leg Sling QR - Double hooks for horizontal plates (for use in pairs) QS - For use as a set of 4 with a lifting beam arrangement QX - Use in Pairs with 2 Leg Sling Tractel Topel Qr Qs Qx

Safe working loads of 1500kg, 3000kg and 10000kg.

*** Price is per clamp and does not include the chain sling.

Use of TOPAL QS / QR / QX

QS: use in 4s with lifting beam and 2-legged slings.
QR: use in pairs and 1 4-legged sling.
QX: use in pairs and 1 2-legged sling.

  1. Suspend the sling(s) previously fitted with the hooks.
  2. Make sure there is clearance under the load to position the hooks.
  3. Insert the hooks under the load making sure they are lined up and centered in relation with the load centre of gravity (balanced load). The load should be driven home into the throat of the hooks.
  4. Perform a first lifting operation so as to ensure the hooks are well inserted and that the load is well positioned.
  5. Set down again if necessary so as to adjust the hooks’ positioning.
  6. Perform lifting.

QX : Separating plates function

  1. Insert the pointed end of the hook into the plates’ joint.
  2. Separate one sheet from the others slowly.
  3. Insert a wedge under the load taken off and then set down again.
  4. Repeat the operation on the opposite side so as to enable the lifting.


Lifting of horizontal plates.
Model Capacity (kg) Opening (mm)
Tractel TOPAL QR
QR3 0-300 1500kg (3000kg Per Pair) 0-300mm
QR6 0-300 3000kg (6000kg Per Pair) 0-300mm
Tractel TOPAL QS
QS3 0-300 1500kg (3000kg Per Pair) 0-300mm
Tractel TOPAL QX
QX10-120 10000kg Per Pair 0-120mm
QX10-210 10000kg Per Pair 0-210mm

Safety Instructions

  • Make sure plates are always driven home into the throat of the hooks.
  • The plates must be rigid enough not to bend while lifting operations are led.
  • Adhere to the recommended sling angles : 50 to 60°.
  • Considering the load length and weight, use 1 or several pairs of hooks to perform lifting.
  • QX: load mini width : 390 mm.
  • QS/ QR: do not permit separating plates.
  • QX: do not use for separating fragile sheets (risk of load damage); separate only 1 sheet at once.
  • For safety’s sake, never leave hooks on the floor, pointed end upwards, when not in use.
  • Working temperature: -20° to +100°C.
Part N° Model Opening - Min-Max (mm) WLL - Per pair (kg) Weight - Each (kg) Single Angle - Min-Max Min Chain Ø (mm) Price per pair Guide Price Quantity
QS3 0-300 0-300 3000 9 50°-60° 10 No (single unit only) £  609.00
QR3 0-300 0-300 3000 36 50°-60° 8 No (single unit only) £  1040.00
QR6 0-300 0-300 6000 46 50°-60° 10 No (single unit only) £  1411.00
QX10 120 0-120 10000 60 50°-60° 18 No (single unit only) £  1579.00
QX10 210 0-210 10000 75 50°-60° 18 No (single unit only) £  2052.00

Safe working loads of 1500kg, 3000kg and 10000kg.

*** Price is per clamp and does not include the chain sling.

Use of TOPAL QS / QR / QX

QS: use in 4s with lifting beam and 2-legged slings.
QR: use in pairs and 1 4-legged sling.
QX: use in pairs and 1 2-legged sling.

  1. Suspend the sling(s) previously fitted with the hooks.
  2. Make sure there is clearance under the load to position the hooks.
  3. Insert the hooks under the load making sure they are lined up and centered in relation with the load centre of gravity (balanced load). The load should be driven home into the throat of the hooks.
  4. Perform a first lifting operation so as to ensure the hooks are well inserted and that the load is well positioned.
  5. Set down again if necessary so as to adjust the hooks’ positioning.
  6. Perform lifting.

QX : Separating plates function

  1. Insert the pointed end of the hook into the plates’ joint.
  2. Separate one sheet from the others slowly.
  3. Insert a wedge under the load taken off and then set down again.
  4. Repeat the operation on the opposite side so as to enable the lifting.


Lifting of horizontal plates.
Model Capacity (kg) Opening (mm)
Tractel TOPAL QR
QR3 0-300 1500kg (3000kg Per Pair) 0-300mm
QR6 0-300 3000kg (6000kg Per Pair) 0-300mm
Tractel TOPAL QS
QS3 0-300 1500kg (3000kg Per Pair) 0-300mm
Tractel TOPAL QX
QX10-120 10000kg Per Pair 0-120mm
QX10-210 10000kg Per Pair 0-210mm

Safety Instructions

  • Make sure plates are always driven home into the throat of the hooks.
  • The plates must be rigid enough not to bend while lifting operations are led.
  • Adhere to the recommended sling angles : 50 to 60°.
  • Considering the load length and weight, use 1 or several pairs of hooks to perform lifting.
  • QX: load mini width : 390 mm.
  • QS/ QR: do not permit separating plates.
  • QX: do not use for separating fragile sheets (risk of load damage); separate only 1 sheet at once.
  • For safety’s sake, never leave hooks on the floor, pointed end upwards, when not in use.
  • Working temperature: -20° to +100°C.

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