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Height Safety Kits (Restraint / Work Positioning)

Quick Ref: CN-1030
A wide range of restraint kits from height safety specialists at competitive prices

In this section of our online shop LiftingSafety offers height safety kits that are suitable for restraint and for work positioning applications. Restraint height safety kits are to stop a person working at height from reaching a position where a fall could be possible; work positioning fall arrest kits are where a worker in a fall arrest zone gets additional support from pole strap to assist positioning of their body so that is in the best and most comfortable place to carry out the work for short or sustained periods of work.

All the height safety kits in this category include a restraint lanyard or a rope guided fall arrestor (rope grab). We offer alternative lengths to provide a fall protection solution. When working at height, ‘Restraint’ height safety equipment must only to be used when the user cannot reach the falling edge, therefore this equipment is not suitable for use in a fall arrest situation.

  • New and unique option for inertia reel certified for horizontal use.
  • Miller Duraflex harness or Titan Harness options
  • Alternatively, contact us to make your own unique Height safety kit, you can include any combination of fall protection products.

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