Remote Release and Drop Test Clamps
This Drop Test clamp is a unique product to LiftingSafety, having developed many years ago for dropping concrete sea defence weights into the sea the drop test clamp is making its revival. We decided to optimize the dropping clamp and have taken orders from all industry sectors for applications that would never have been considered at the time it was envisaged. This drop test clamp otherwise often referred to as a dropping clamp can be used to remotely release load weighing up to 25 tonnes or even greater capacities on request. The load is attached to the clamp by a master link. The clamp has an interlock system that will prevent accidental release of the load if one of the release rope is pulled during the lifting phase of the operation The dropping of any load is a dangerous activity and therefore we emphasise that the operation and user manual must be adhered to in along with the user risk assessment and method statement.
LiftingSafety "Load Release" Remote Hook-Clamp - Range 590kg to 70 tonne (Higher capacities available on request)
Manual, Hydraulic, Pneumatic operation, Stainless Steel Corrosion resistant SubSea Auto Remote Release Offshore Clamp. Shackles are not included as standard.
Model: LARH-4193
Request QuoteAutomatic Hook and Release System, WLL: 5000kg
Electronically Operated Hook with Wireless Control, and Optional Accessories.
Model: AHLA-5099
Request QuoteManual, Hydraulic, Pneumatic operation, Stainless Steel Corrosion resistant SubSea Auto Remote Release Offshore Clamp. Shackles are not included as standard.
Electronically Operated Hook with Wireless Control, and Optional Accessories.