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Ingersoll Rand "Liftchain" Air Hoists

Ingersoll Rand "Liftchain" Air Hoists

Liftchain Pneumatic Hoists for Reduced Downtimes and Increased Safety, 1.5 Tonne to 100 Tonne



Ingersoll Rand "Liftchain" Air Hoists

LIFTCHAIN Hoist main-product-image Ingersoll Rand Lift Chain Hoists IR Chain Hoist 6 tonne version Ingersoll Rand Lift Chain Hoists 25 tonne

Rugged, Compact and Lightweight in Construction

  • All steel construct ion for better durability.
  • Particularly adapted for difficu lt environments.
  • Insensitive to dust and humidity. 100% duty cycle.
  • Grade 80 calibrated load chain, corrosion resistant treated.

Precise Positioning

  • Exclusive gear type air motor with high starting torque offering precise spotting capability.
  • Infinitely variable speed control through pilot pendent or pull cha in control.


  • Self adjusting automatic disc brake, fully enclosed for better protection - No maintenance required.
  • Upper and lower limit switches, integrated in the hoist body for better protection. Allow the hoist to be also used in horizontal position.
  • Overload protect ion device as standard on CE marked versions, (optional on all other versions).
  • Main air emergency stop on pendent and built-in main air shut- off val ve on CE versions.


  • Numerous options available for adaptation to your application: chain conta iners (fabric or metallic material), rigid mounting trolleys (plain, geared or motorised), CE compl iant versions.
  • Spark resistant hoists or hoist and trolley combinations are also available for use in explosive atmospheres, using solid bronze or bronze coated parts (see details in the "how to order").

Exclusive Gear Type Air Motor

  • Better ability than other motors to accept contaminated air.
  • High starting torque ensuring good spotting capability.
  • Virtually maintenance free.
  • Minimal moving parts.

Automatic Multi Disc Brake

  • Fully enclosed for better protection and corrosion resistance.
  • No adjustment requ ired . Maintenance free.
  • Low pressure brake.
  • "Venturi Effect" self-cleaning brake enclosure.

Infinitely Variable Speed Control

  • Precision spotting control with infinitely variable speed through pilot pendent control or pull chain control.

Suitable for Hazardous Explosion Proof Environments

  • Air motors (unlike electric motors) are inherently explosion proof.
  • ATEX classification (as per directive EC 94/ 9/ EEC).
  • Standard models are suitable for zone 2.
  • Marking Ex II 3 GD c liB 135 ° C X.
  • Optional spark protection package for zone 1.
  • Marking EX II 2 GD c liB 135 ° C.

Overload Protection Device (Available for non-CE models)

  • Hoist is shut off and brake sets when overload of 125 - 130% is detected.
  • Superior durability compared to mechanical slip clutch which wears and generates damaging heat.
  • Prevents high forces being applied to the hoist and the customer support structure.

Main Air Emergency Stop (Available for non-CE models)

Upper and Lower limit SwitchesLift Chain Air Hoist Gears

  • Integrated in the hoist body for better protection.
  • Allows the hoist to be also used in horizontal position.
  • No adjustment required.

Reduced Maintenance

  • Innovative modular concept allowing easy inspect ions and maintenance for major components.

Corrosion Resistant Load Chain

  • Grade 80 calibrated load chain.
  • Corrosion resistant treated for better protection and longer life.
  • 5:1 design factor for safety and durability.

Improved Exhaust Muffler

  • Easy cleaning and simple replacement.

Smart Design Bottom Blocks

  • Bottom hook mounted on ball bearing for easier, smoother turn ing under load.
  • Water drain hole to drain water from block.
  • External lubrication point for better durability & ease of maintenance.



Liftchain - Air: 1.5 to 100 tonne - Hook Mount - Performance at 6.3 bar, 90 psi

Model Capacity metric tonnes No: of falls Minimum Headroom Lifting speed Lowering speed rated load Hoist air consumption at rated load Chain Size Chain weight (per mtr of lift) Net weight w/3m of lift Air inlet Sound level dB(A)
mm in Rated load No load m/min ft/min m³/min ft³/min kg lbs kg lbs BSP
LC2A015S 1.5 1 409 16.1 6.2 20.3 11.0 36.1 8.5 27.9 4 141 8x24 1.5 3.3 38 84 3/4 78
LC2A030D 3 2 549 21.6 3.0 9.8 5.5 18.0 4 13.1 4 141 8x24 3 6.6 48 106 3/4 78
LC2A040S 4 1 580 22.8 3.9 12.8 7.0 23.0 4.5 14.8 4.5 159 13x36 3.8 8.4 90 198 3/4 76
LC2A060S 6 1 717 28.2 2.2 7.2 3.6 11.8 2.7 8.9 5.2 184 16x45 5.7 12.5 125 275 3/4 79
LC2A060Q 6 4 653 25.7 1.5 4.9 2.5 8.2 2 .6 4 141 8x24 6 13.2 74 163 3/4 78
LC2A080D 8 2 807 31.8 1.8 5.9 3.5 11.5 2.2 7.2 4.4 155 13x36 7.6 16.7 118 260 3/4 76
LC2A120D 12 2 945 37.2 1.1 3.6 1.8 5.9 1.3 4.3 5 177 16x45 11.4 25.1 170 374 3/4 79
LC2A125S 12.5 1 865 34.1 3.2 10.5 6.0 19.7 5 16.4 12 424 22x66 10.7 23.5 320 704 1-1/4 93
LC2A180T 18 3 1063 41.9 0.7 2.3 1.2 3.9 0.9 3.0 5 177 16x45 1.1 37.6 277 609 3/4 79
LC2A250Q 25 4 1156 45.5 0.5 1.6 0.9 3.0 0.6 2.0 5 177 16x45 23 50.6 324 713 3/4 79
LC2A250D 25 2 1235 48.6 1.5 .9 3.0 9.8 2.5 8.2 12 424 22x66 10.7 23.5 470 1034 1-1/4 93
LC2A375T 37.5 3 1484 58.4 1.0 3.3 2.0 6.6 1.7 5.6 12 424 22x66 10.7 23.5 820 1804 1-1/4 93
LC2A500Q 50 4 1590 62.6 0.7 2.3 1.5 4.9 1.2 3.9 12 424 22x66 10.7 23.5 920 2024 1-1/4 93
LCA750T 75 3 2338 92.0 0.4 1.3 0.7 2.3 0.7 2.3 12 424 32x90 24.5 53.9 1700 3740 1-1/4 93
LCA1000Q 100 4 2455 96.7 0.3 1.0 0.5 1.6 0.5 1.6 12 424 32x90 24.5 53.9 2200 4840 1-1/4 93

Liftchain - Air: 1.5 to 100 tonne - Trolley Mount - Performance at 6.3 bar, 90 psi

Model Trollet Type Capacity (t) Minimum headroom Trolley speed at rated load Trolley Air consumption at rated load Trolley flange adjustment Minimum curve radius Air inlet Net weight w/3m of lift
mm in m/min ft/min m³/min ft³/min mm in m ft BSP kg lbs
LC2A015S Plain 1.5 448 17.6 - - - - 80-200 3.1-7.9 1 3.3 - 90 198
LC2A015S Geared 1.5 448 17.6 - - - - 80-200 3.1-7.9 1 3.3 - 92 202
LC2A015S Motor 1.5 448 17.6 17 55.8 1.3 46 80-200 3.1-7.9 1 3.3 3/4 95 209
LC2A030D Plain 3 592 23.3 - - - - 80-200 3.1-7.9 2 6.6 - 98 216
LC2A030D Geared 3 592 23.3 - - - - 80-200 3.1-7.9 2 6.6 - 100 220
LC2A030D Motor 3 592 23.3 17 55.8 1.3 46 80-200 3.1-7.9 2 6.6 3/4 103 227
LC2A040S Plain 4 590 32.2 - - - - 80-200 3.1-7.9 2 6.6 - 140 308
LC2A040S Geared 4 590 32.2 - - - - 80-200 3.1-7.9 2 6.6 - 142 312
LC2A040S Motor 4 590 32.2 15 49.2 1.3 46 80-200 3.1-7.9 2 6.6 3/4 145 319
LC2A060S Plain 6 730 28.7 - - - - 100-310 3.9-12.2 3 9.8 - 250 550
LC2A060S Geared 6 730 28.7 - - - - 100-310 3.9-12.2 3 9.8 - 257 565
LC2A060S Motor 6 730 28.7 15 49.2 1.3 46 100-310 3.9-12.2 3 9.8 3/4 267 587
LC2A060Q Plain 6 702 27.6 - - - - 100-310 3.9-12.2 3 9.8 - 200 440
LC2A060Q Geared 6 702 27.6 - - - - 100-310 3.9-12.2 3 9.8 - 207 455
LC2A060Q Motor 6 702 27.6 15 49.2 1.3 46 100-310 3.9-12.2 3 9.8 3/4 217 477
LC2A080D Plain 8 815 32.1 - - - - 100-310 3.9-12.2 3 9.8 - 243 535
LC2A080D Geared 8 815 32.1 - - - - 100-310 3.9-12.2 3 9.8 - 250 550
LC2A080D Motor 8 815 32.1 12 39.4 1.3 46 100-310 3.9-12.2 3 9.8 3/4 260 572
LC2A120D Plain 12 995 39.2 - - - - 130-310 5.1-12.2
3 9.8 - 335 737
LC2A120D Geared 12 995 39.2 - - - - 130-310 5.1-12.2 3 9.8 - 343 755
LC2A120D Motor 12 995 39.2 12 39.4 1.9 67 130-310 5.1-12.2 3 9.8 3/4 352 774
LC2A125S Motor 12.5 1000 39.4 12 39.4 1.9 67 130-310 5.1-12.2 3 9.8 1-1/4 570 1256
LC2A180T Plain 18 1195 47.0 - - - - 140-310 5.5-12.2 5 16.4 - 652 1434
LC2A180T Geared 1 1195 47.0 - - - - 140-310 5.5-12.2 5 16.4 - 660 1452
LC2A180T Motor 18 1195 47.0 15 49.2 1.9 67 140-310 5.5-12.2 5 16.4 3/ 669 1472
LC2A250Q Plain 25 1240 48.8 - - - - 140-310 5.5-12.2 5 16.4 - 700 1540
LC2A250Q Motor 25 1240 48.8 - - - - 140-310 5.5-12.2 5 16.4 - 708 1558
LC2A250Q Plain 25 1240 48.8 12 39.4 1.9 67 140-310 5.5-12.2 5 16.4 3/4 717 1577
LC2A250D Geared 25 990 39.0 12 39.4 1.9 67 140-310 5.5-12.2 5 16.4 - 845 1859
LC2A375T Motor 37.5 1134 44.6 15 49.2 3.8 134 160-310 6.3-12.2 25 82.0 - 1650 3630
LC2A500Q Motor 50 1182 46.5 12 39.4 3.8 134 160-310 6.3-12.2 25 82.0 3/4 1950 4290
LCA750T Motor 75 1845 72.6 10 32.8 7.6 268 160-310 6.3-12.2 130 426.4 1-1/4 4500 9900
LCA1000Q Motor 100 1901 74.8 10 32.8 7.6 268 160-310 6.3-12.2 130 426.4 1-1/4 4700 10340

Accessories and Options

Lift Chain Air Hoist Accessories
  • Plain, geared and motorized trolleys.
  • Overload protection and E-stop (standard on CE models).
  • Chain containers (canvas or metal).
  • Marine paint systems.
  • Spark resistant package for ATEX Zone 1.
  • Rack & pinion trolley drive configuration.
  • Low Temperature (-20 ° C) Certified (includes 3.1 b material traceability certificates).
  • Air line accessories.
  • Recoil festooning systems.
  • Mining versions from 1.5 to 12 tonne.

Specification Guide - Air Chain Hoist

Hook mount and trolley mount specifications and performance.

Model Capacity metric tonnes Number of Falls Motor
Lifting speed at rated load Hook mount headroom Trolly mount headroom
m/min ft/min mm in mm in
LC2A015S 1.5 1 3.5 6.2 20.3 409 16.1 448 17.6
LC2A030D 3 2 3.5 3.0 9.8 549 21.6 592 23.3
LC2A040S 4 1 5.5 3.9 12.8 580 22.8 590 23.2
LC2A060S 6 1 5.5 2.2 7.2 717 28.2 730 28.7
LC2A060Q 6 4 3.5 1.5 4.9 653 25.7 702 27.6
LC2A080D 8 2 5.5 1.8 5.9 807 31.8 815 32.1
LC2A120D 12 2 5.5 1.1 3.6 945 37.2 995 39.2
LC2A125S 12.5 1 10 3.2 10.5 865 34.1 1,000 39.4
LC2A180T 18 3 5.5 0.7 2.3 1.063 41.9 1.195 47.0
LC2A250Q 25 4 5.5 . 0.5 1.6 1.156 45.5 l.240 48.8
LC2A250D 25 2 10 1.5 4.9 1,235 48.6 990 39.0
LC2A375T 37.5 3 10 1.0 3.3 1,484 58.4 1,134 44.6
LC2A500Q 50 4 10 0.7 2.3 1.590 62.6 1.182 46.5
LCA750T 75 3 10 0.4 1.3 2,338 92.0 1,845 72.6
LCA1000Q 100 4 10 0.3 1.0 2,455 96.7 1,901 74.8
Understanding the model numbers of LIFTCHAIN Hoist
LC2A015S_Hook Mount_A.pdf

1-1/2 t, Hook Mount

Technical Data Sheet

(approx. 0.2Mb)
LC2A015S-E_Hook Mount_D.pdf

1-1/2 t, Hook Mount, CE Compliant

Technical Data Sheet

(approx. 0.3Mb)
LC2A030D_Hook Mount_A.pdf

3 t, Hook Mount

Technical Data Sheet

(approx. 0.3Mb)
LC2A030D_Trolley Mount_A.pdf

3 t, Trolley Mount

Technical Data Sheet

(approx. 0.3Mb)
LC2A030D-E_Hook Mount_D.pdf

3 t, Hook Mount, CE Compliant

Technical Data Sheet

(approx. 0.3Mb)
LC2A030D-E_Trolley Mount_C.pdf

3 t, Trolley Mount, CE Compliant

Technical Data Sheet

(approx. 0.4Mb)
LC2A040S_Hook Mount_A.pdf

4 t, Hook Mount

Technical Data Sheet

(approx. 0.3Mb)
LC2A040S_Trolley Mount_A.pdf

4 t, Trolley Mount

Technical Data Sheet

(approx. 0.4Mb)
LC2A040S-E_Hook Mount_A.pdf

4 t, Hook Mount, CE Compliant

Technical Data Sheet

(approx. 0.4Mb)
LC2A040S-E_Trolley Mount_A.pdf

4 t, Trolley Mount, CE Compliant

Technical Data Sheet

(approx. 0.4Mb)
LC2A060Q_Hook Mount_A.pdf

6 t, Hook Mount

Technical Data Sheet

(approx. 0.3Mb)
LC2A060Q_Trolley Mount_A.pdf

6 t, Trolley Mount

Technical Data Sheet

(approx. 0.4Mb)
LC2A060Q-E_Hook Mount_B.pdf

6 t, Hook Mount, CE Compliant

Technical Data Sheet

(approx. 0.3Mb)
LC2A060Q-E_Trolley Mount_A.pdf

6 t, Trolley Mount, CE Compliant

Technical Data Sheet

(approx. 0.4Mb)
LC2A060S_Hook Mount_A.pdf

6 t, Hook Mount

Technical Data Sheet

(approx. 0.3Mb)
LC2A060S_Trolley Mount_A.pdf

6 t, Trolley Mount

Technical Data Sheet

(approx. 0.4Mb)
LC2A060S-E_Hook Mount_A.pdf

6 t, Hook Mount, CE Compliant

Technical Data Sheet

(approx. 0.4Mb)
LC2A060S-E_Trolley Mount_A.pdf

6 t, Trolley Mount, CE Compliant

Technical Data Sheet

(approx. 0.4Mb)
LC2A080D_Hook Mount_A.pdf

8 t, Hook Mount

Technical Data Sheet

(approx. 0.4Mb)
LC2A080D_Trolley Mount_A.pdf

8 t, Trolley Mount

Technical Data Sheet

(approx. 0.4Mb)
LC2A080D-E_Hook Mount_A.pdf

8 t, Hook Mount, CE Compliant

Technical Data Sheet

(approx. 0.4Mb)
LC2A080D-E_Trolley Mount_A.pdf

8 t, Trolley Mount, CE Compliant

Technical Data Sheet

(approx. 0.5Mb)
LC2A120D_Hook Mount_A.pdf

12 t, Hook Mount

Technical Data Sheet

(approx. 0.3Mb)
LC2A120D_Trolley Mount_A.pdf

12 t, Trolley Mount

Technical Data Sheet

(approx. 0.4Mb)
LC2A120D-E_Hook Mount_A.pdf

12 t, Hook Mount, CE Compliant

Technical Data Sheet

(approx. 0.4Mb)
LC2A120D-E_Trolley Mount_A.pdf

12 t, Trolley Mount, CE Compliant

Technical Data Sheet

(approx. 0.4Mb)
LC2A180T_Trolley Mount_A.pdf

18 t, Trolley Mount

Technical Data Sheet

(approx. 0.4Mb)
LC2A180T-E_Hook Mount_A.pdf

18 t, Hook Mount, CE Compliant

Technical Data Sheet

(approx. 0.4Mb)
LC2A180T-E_Trolley Mount_A.pdf

18 t, Trolley Mount, CE Compliant

Technical Data Sheet

(approx. 0.4Mb)
LC2A180TI_Hook Mount.pdf

18 t, Hook Mount

Technical Data Sheet

(approx. 0.3Mb)
LC2A250Q_Hook Mount_A.pdf

25 t, Hook Mount

Technical Data Sheet

(approx. 0.3Mb)
LC2A250Q_Trolley Mount_A.pdf

25 t, Trolley Mount

Technical Data Sheet

(approx. 0.4Mb)
LC2A250Q-E_Hook Mount_A.pdf

25 t, Hook Mount, CE Compliant

Technical Data Sheet

(approx. 0.4Mb)
LC2A250Q-E_Trolley Mount_A.pdf

25 t, Trolley Mount, CE Compliant

Technical Data Sheet

(approx. 0.4Mb)


Unit Price


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Rugged, Compact and Lightweight in Construction

  • All steel construct ion for better durability.
  • Particularly adapted for difficu lt environments.
  • Insensitive to dust and humidity. 100% duty cycle.
  • Grade 80 calibrated load chain, corrosion resistant treated.

Precise Positioning

  • Exclusive gear type air motor with high starting torque offering precise spotting capability.
  • Infinitely variable speed control through pilot pendent or pull cha in control.


  • Self adjusting automatic disc brake, fully enclosed for better protection - No maintenance required.
  • Upper and lower limit switches, integrated in the hoist body for better protection. Allow the hoist to be also used in horizontal position.
  • Overload protect ion device as standard on CE marked versions, (optional on all other versions).
  • Main air emergency stop on pendent and built-in main air shut- off val ve on CE versions.


  • Numerous options available for adaptation to your application: chain conta iners (fabric or metallic material), rigid mounting trolleys (plain, geared or motorised), CE compl iant versions.
  • Spark resistant hoists or hoist and trolley combinations are also available for use in explosive atmospheres, using solid bronze or bronze coated parts (see details in the "how to order").

Exclusive Gear Type Air Motor

  • Better ability than other motors to accept contaminated air.
  • High starting torque ensuring good spotting capability.
  • Virtually maintenance free.
  • Minimal moving parts.

Automatic Multi Disc Brake

  • Fully enclosed for better protection and corrosion resistance.
  • No adjustment requ ired . Maintenance free.
  • Low pressure brake.
  • "Venturi Effect" self-cleaning brake enclosure.

Infinitely Variable Speed Control

  • Precision spotting control with infinitely variable speed through pilot pendent control or pull chain control.

Suitable for Hazardous Explosion Proof Environments

  • Air motors (unlike electric motors) are inherently explosion proof.
  • ATEX classification (as per directive EC 94/ 9/ EEC).
  • Standard models are suitable for zone 2.
  • Marking Ex II 3 GD c liB 135 ° C X.
  • Optional spark protection package for zone 1.
  • Marking EX II 2 GD c liB 135 ° C.

Overload Protection Device (Available for non-CE models)

  • Hoist is shut off and brake sets when overload of 125 - 130% is detected.
  • Superior durability compared to mechanical slip clutch which wears and generates damaging heat.
  • Prevents high forces being applied to the hoist and the customer support structure.

Main Air Emergency Stop (Available for non-CE models)

Upper and Lower limit SwitchesLift Chain Air Hoist Gears

  • Integrated in the hoist body for better protection.
  • Allows the hoist to be also used in horizontal position.
  • No adjustment required.

Reduced Maintenance

  • Innovative modular concept allowing easy inspect ions and maintenance for major components.

Corrosion Resistant Load Chain

  • Grade 80 calibrated load chain.
  • Corrosion resistant treated for better protection and longer life.
  • 5:1 design factor for safety and durability.

Improved Exhaust Muffler

  • Easy cleaning and simple replacement.

Smart Design Bottom Blocks

  • Bottom hook mounted on ball bearing for easier, smoother turn ing under load.
  • Water drain hole to drain water from block.
  • External lubrication point for better durability & ease of maintenance.



Liftchain - Air: 1.5 to 100 tonne - Hook Mount - Performance at 6.3 bar, 90 psi

Model Capacity metric tonnes No: of falls Minimum Headroom Lifting speed Lowering speed rated load Hoist air consumption at rated load Chain Size Chain weight (per mtr of lift) Net weight w/3m of lift Air inlet Sound level dB(A)
mm in Rated load No load m/min ft/min m³/min ft³/min kg lbs kg lbs BSP
LC2A015S 1.5 1 409 16.1 6.2 20.3 11.0 36.1 8.5 27.9 4 141 8x24 1.5 3.3 38 84 3/4 78
LC2A030D 3 2 549 21.6 3.0 9.8 5.5 18.0 4 13.1 4 141 8x24 3 6.6 48 106 3/4 78
LC2A040S 4 1 580 22.8 3.9 12.8 7.0 23.0 4.5 14.8 4.5 159 13x36 3.8 8.4 90 198 3/4 76
LC2A060S 6 1 717 28.2 2.2 7.2 3.6 11.8 2.7 8.9 5.2 184 16x45 5.7 12.5 125 275 3/4 79
LC2A060Q 6 4 653 25.7 1.5 4.9 2.5 8.2 2 .6 4 141 8x24 6 13.2 74 163 3/4 78
LC2A080D 8 2 807 31.8 1.8 5.9 3.5 11.5 2.2 7.2 4.4 155 13x36 7.6 16.7 118 260 3/4 76
LC2A120D 12 2 945 37.2 1.1 3.6 1.8 5.9 1.3 4.3 5 177 16x45 11.4 25.1 170 374 3/4 79
LC2A125S 12.5 1 865 34.1 3.2 10.5 6.0 19.7 5 16.4 12 424 22x66 10.7 23.5 320 704 1-1/4 93
LC2A180T 18 3 1063 41.9 0.7 2.3 1.2 3.9 0.9 3.0 5 177 16x45 1.1 37.6 277 609 3/4 79
LC2A250Q 25 4 1156 45.5 0.5 1.6 0.9 3.0 0.6 2.0 5 177 16x45 23 50.6 324 713 3/4 79
LC2A250D 25 2 1235 48.6 1.5 .9 3.0 9.8 2.5 8.2 12 424 22x66 10.7 23.5 470 1034 1-1/4 93
LC2A375T 37.5 3 1484 58.4 1.0 3.3 2.0 6.6 1.7 5.6 12 424 22x66 10.7 23.5 820 1804 1-1/4 93
LC2A500Q 50 4 1590 62.6 0.7 2.3 1.5 4.9 1.2 3.9 12 424 22x66 10.7 23.5 920 2024 1-1/4 93
LCA750T 75 3 2338 92.0 0.4 1.3 0.7 2.3 0.7 2.3 12 424 32x90 24.5 53.9 1700 3740 1-1/4 93
LCA1000Q 100 4 2455 96.7 0.3 1.0 0.5 1.6 0.5 1.6 12 424 32x90 24.5 53.9 2200 4840 1-1/4 93

Liftchain - Air: 1.5 to 100 tonne - Trolley Mount - Performance at 6.3 bar, 90 psi

Model Trollet Type Capacity (t) Minimum headroom Trolley speed at rated load Trolley Air consumption at rated load Trolley flange adjustment Minimum curve radius Air inlet Net weight w/3m of lift
mm in m/min ft/min m³/min ft³/min mm in m ft BSP kg lbs
LC2A015S Plain 1.5 448 17.6 - - - - 80-200 3.1-7.9 1 3.3 - 90 198
LC2A015S Geared 1.5 448 17.6 - - - - 80-200 3.1-7.9 1 3.3 - 92 202
LC2A015S Motor 1.5 448 17.6 17 55.8 1.3 46 80-200 3.1-7.9 1 3.3 3/4 95 209
LC2A030D Plain 3 592 23.3 - - - - 80-200 3.1-7.9 2 6.6 - 98 216
LC2A030D Geared 3 592 23.3 - - - - 80-200 3.1-7.9 2 6.6 - 100 220
LC2A030D Motor 3 592 23.3 17 55.8 1.3 46 80-200 3.1-7.9 2 6.6 3/4 103 227
LC2A040S Plain 4 590 32.2 - - - - 80-200 3.1-7.9 2 6.6 - 140 308
LC2A040S Geared 4 590 32.2 - - - - 80-200 3.1-7.9 2 6.6 - 142 312
LC2A040S Motor 4 590 32.2 15 49.2 1.3 46 80-200 3.1-7.9 2 6.6 3/4 145 319
LC2A060S Plain 6 730 28.7 - - - - 100-310 3.9-12.2 3 9.8 - 250 550
LC2A060S Geared 6 730 28.7 - - - - 100-310 3.9-12.2 3 9.8 - 257 565
LC2A060S Motor 6 730 28.7 15 49.2 1.3 46 100-310 3.9-12.2 3 9.8 3/4 267 587
LC2A060Q Plain 6 702 27.6 - - - - 100-310 3.9-12.2 3 9.8 - 200 440
LC2A060Q Geared 6 702 27.6 - - - - 100-310 3.9-12.2 3 9.8 - 207 455
LC2A060Q Motor 6 702 27.6 15 49.2 1.3 46 100-310 3.9-12.2 3 9.8 3/4 217 477
LC2A080D Plain 8 815 32.1 - - - - 100-310 3.9-12.2 3 9.8 - 243 535
LC2A080D Geared 8 815 32.1 - - - - 100-310 3.9-12.2 3 9.8 - 250 550
LC2A080D Motor 8 815 32.1 12 39.4 1.3 46 100-310 3.9-12.2 3 9.8 3/4 260 572
LC2A120D Plain 12 995 39.2 - - - - 130-310 5.1-12.2
3 9.8 - 335 737
LC2A120D Geared 12 995 39.2 - - - - 130-310 5.1-12.2 3 9.8 - 343 755
LC2A120D Motor 12 995 39.2 12 39.4 1.9 67 130-310 5.1-12.2 3 9.8 3/4 352 774
LC2A125S Motor 12.5 1000 39.4 12 39.4 1.9 67 130-310 5.1-12.2 3 9.8 1-1/4 570 1256
LC2A180T Plain 18 1195 47.0 - - - - 140-310 5.5-12.2 5 16.4 - 652 1434
LC2A180T Geared 1 1195 47.0 - - - - 140-310 5.5-12.2 5 16.4 - 660 1452
LC2A180T Motor 18 1195 47.0 15 49.2 1.9 67 140-310 5.5-12.2 5 16.4 3/ 669 1472
LC2A250Q Plain 25 1240 48.8 - - - - 140-310 5.5-12.2 5 16.4 - 700 1540
LC2A250Q Motor 25 1240 48.8 - - - - 140-310 5.5-12.2 5 16.4 - 708 1558
LC2A250Q Plain 25 1240 48.8 12 39.4 1.9 67 140-310 5.5-12.2 5 16.4 3/4 717 1577
LC2A250D Geared 25 990 39.0 12 39.4 1.9 67 140-310 5.5-12.2 5 16.4 - 845 1859
LC2A375T Motor 37.5 1134 44.6 15 49.2 3.8 134 160-310 6.3-12.2 25 82.0 - 1650 3630
LC2A500Q Motor 50 1182 46.5 12 39.4 3.8 134 160-310 6.3-12.2 25 82.0 3/4 1950 4290
LCA750T Motor 75 1845 72.6 10 32.8 7.6 268 160-310 6.3-12.2 130 426.4 1-1/4 4500 9900
LCA1000Q Motor 100 1901 74.8 10 32.8 7.6 268 160-310 6.3-12.2 130 426.4 1-1/4 4700 10340

Accessories and Options

Lift Chain Air Hoist Accessories
  • Plain, geared and motorized trolleys.
  • Overload protection and E-stop (standard on CE models).
  • Chain containers (canvas or metal).
  • Marine paint systems.
  • Spark resistant package for ATEX Zone 1.
  • Rack & pinion trolley drive configuration.
  • Low Temperature (-20 ° C) Certified (includes 3.1 b material traceability certificates).
  • Air line accessories.
  • Recoil festooning systems.
  • Mining versions from 1.5 to 12 tonne.

Specification Guide - Air Chain Hoist

Hook mount and trolley mount specifications and performance.

Model Capacity metric tonnes Number of Falls Motor
Lifting speed at rated load Hook mount headroom Trolly mount headroom
m/min ft/min mm in mm in
LC2A015S 1.5 1 3.5 6.2 20.3 409 16.1 448 17.6
LC2A030D 3 2 3.5 3.0 9.8 549 21.6 592 23.3
LC2A040S 4 1 5.5 3.9 12.8 580 22.8 590 23.2
LC2A060S 6 1 5.5 2.2 7.2 717 28.2 730 28.7
LC2A060Q 6 4 3.5 1.5 4.9 653 25.7 702 27.6
LC2A080D 8 2 5.5 1.8 5.9 807 31.8 815 32.1
LC2A120D 12 2 5.5 1.1 3.6 945 37.2 995 39.2
LC2A125S 12.5 1 10 3.2 10.5 865 34.1 1,000 39.4
LC2A180T 18 3 5.5 0.7 2.3 1.063 41.9 1.195 47.0
LC2A250Q 25 4 5.5 . 0.5 1.6 1.156 45.5 l.240 48.8
LC2A250D 25 2 10 1.5 4.9 1,235 48.6 990 39.0
LC2A375T 37.5 3 10 1.0 3.3 1,484 58.4 1,134 44.6
LC2A500Q 50 4 10 0.7 2.3 1.590 62.6 1.182 46.5
LCA750T 75 3 10 0.4 1.3 2,338 92.0 1,845 72.6
LCA1000Q 100 4 10 0.3 1.0 2,455 96.7 1,901 74.8
Understanding the model numbers of LIFTCHAIN Hoist
LC2A015S_Hook Mount_A.pdf

1-1/2 t, Hook Mount

Technical Data Sheet

(approx. 0.2Mb)
LC2A015S-E_Hook Mount_D.pdf

1-1/2 t, Hook Mount, CE Compliant

Technical Data Sheet

(approx. 0.3Mb)
LC2A030D_Hook Mount_A.pdf

3 t, Hook Mount

Technical Data Sheet

(approx. 0.3Mb)
LC2A030D_Trolley Mount_A.pdf

3 t, Trolley Mount

Technical Data Sheet

(approx. 0.3Mb)
LC2A030D-E_Hook Mount_D.pdf

3 t, Hook Mount, CE Compliant

Technical Data Sheet

(approx. 0.3Mb)
LC2A030D-E_Trolley Mount_C.pdf

3 t, Trolley Mount, CE Compliant

Technical Data Sheet

(approx. 0.4Mb)
LC2A040S_Hook Mount_A.pdf

4 t, Hook Mount

Technical Data Sheet

(approx. 0.3Mb)
LC2A040S_Trolley Mount_A.pdf

4 t, Trolley Mount

Technical Data Sheet

(approx. 0.4Mb)
LC2A040S-E_Hook Mount_A.pdf

4 t, Hook Mount, CE Compliant

Technical Data Sheet

(approx. 0.4Mb)
LC2A040S-E_Trolley Mount_A.pdf

4 t, Trolley Mount, CE Compliant

Technical Data Sheet

(approx. 0.4Mb)
LC2A060Q_Hook Mount_A.pdf

6 t, Hook Mount

Technical Data Sheet

(approx. 0.3Mb)
LC2A060Q_Trolley Mount_A.pdf

6 t, Trolley Mount

Technical Data Sheet

(approx. 0.4Mb)
LC2A060Q-E_Hook Mount_B.pdf

6 t, Hook Mount, CE Compliant

Technical Data Sheet

(approx. 0.3Mb)
LC2A060Q-E_Trolley Mount_A.pdf

6 t, Trolley Mount, CE Compliant

Technical Data Sheet

(approx. 0.4Mb)
LC2A060S_Hook Mount_A.pdf

6 t, Hook Mount

Technical Data Sheet

(approx. 0.3Mb)
LC2A060S_Trolley Mount_A.pdf

6 t, Trolley Mount

Technical Data Sheet

(approx. 0.4Mb)
LC2A060S-E_Hook Mount_A.pdf

6 t, Hook Mount, CE Compliant

Technical Data Sheet

(approx. 0.4Mb)
LC2A060S-E_Trolley Mount_A.pdf

6 t, Trolley Mount, CE Compliant

Technical Data Sheet

(approx. 0.4Mb)
LC2A080D_Hook Mount_A.pdf

8 t, Hook Mount

Technical Data Sheet

(approx. 0.4Mb)
LC2A080D_Trolley Mount_A.pdf

8 t, Trolley Mount

Technical Data Sheet

(approx. 0.4Mb)
LC2A080D-E_Hook Mount_A.pdf

8 t, Hook Mount, CE Compliant

Technical Data Sheet

(approx. 0.4Mb)
LC2A080D-E_Trolley Mount_A.pdf

8 t, Trolley Mount, CE Compliant

Technical Data Sheet

(approx. 0.5Mb)
LC2A120D_Hook Mount_A.pdf

12 t, Hook Mount

Technical Data Sheet

(approx. 0.3Mb)
LC2A120D_Trolley Mount_A.pdf

12 t, Trolley Mount

Technical Data Sheet

(approx. 0.4Mb)
LC2A120D-E_Hook Mount_A.pdf

12 t, Hook Mount, CE Compliant

Technical Data Sheet

(approx. 0.4Mb)
LC2A120D-E_Trolley Mount_A.pdf

12 t, Trolley Mount, CE Compliant

Technical Data Sheet

(approx. 0.4Mb)
LC2A180T_Trolley Mount_A.pdf

18 t, Trolley Mount

Technical Data Sheet

(approx. 0.4Mb)
LC2A180T-E_Hook Mount_A.pdf

18 t, Hook Mount, CE Compliant

Technical Data Sheet

(approx. 0.4Mb)
LC2A180T-E_Trolley Mount_A.pdf

18 t, Trolley Mount, CE Compliant

Technical Data Sheet

(approx. 0.4Mb)
LC2A180TI_Hook Mount.pdf

18 t, Hook Mount

Technical Data Sheet

(approx. 0.3Mb)
LC2A250Q_Hook Mount_A.pdf

25 t, Hook Mount

Technical Data Sheet

(approx. 0.3Mb)
LC2A250Q_Trolley Mount_A.pdf

25 t, Trolley Mount

Technical Data Sheet

(approx. 0.4Mb)
LC2A250Q-E_Hook Mount_A.pdf

25 t, Hook Mount, CE Compliant

Technical Data Sheet

(approx. 0.4Mb)
LC2A250Q-E_Trolley Mount_A.pdf

25 t, Trolley Mount, CE Compliant

Technical Data Sheet

(approx. 0.4Mb)
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